Saturday, October 22, 2011

Bernat Puff Ball Pink Scarf

Support Komen for the Cure and get a cool scarf! Bernat is donating to Komen for the Cure for every ball of Puff Ball Pink sold. This yarn is so cool that I bought it without knowing that. I got all the way home before I actually read the label. Actually I seen the yarn...felt the yarn...put it in my cart and continued shopping. When I got home I put on my glasses to read the washing instructions and that's when I seen the pink ribbon and read the label. make this scarf....with a size 9 needle...cast on 10 sts using a backloop cast on....knit till nearly out of yarn...count to see if you have 20 or more puffs left...cast off. The cast off took 20 puffs using a standard bind off...had one left on my scarf....and at at that point found out the term "weave in loose ends" doesn't work on this yarn. Hahaha so knot it and trim closely.

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