Friday, February 4, 2011

Blue Blast

Thought I had posted this...but no...I posted it to facebook and thought
I blogged it instead. This is the "Before" and the After is already in
progress...but with 15 sts...not 10. See "one hour challenge".
Blue Blast From the Past This 20 st blue mess was a scarf I made first winter back in Cincinnati . 1991. Haha it looks like it's
been thru a war! I can't have her walking around with this 's
been frogged into a huge blue ball...and I've started re-knitting it.
She asked if it could be thinner... oh make my day...10 st scarf coming
up! Of course working with only 10 sts instead of 20 will make a longer
scarf...and go faster.
~ ~
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spinndiva said...

OMG! I can;t believe what this looked like before!!! I love what came out of it after the unraveling and reknitting! Great job!

peepla said...

Thank you! The miracle is this...there was only an inch of yarn loss. The yarn was discontinued a few years back so it's a good thing.