Saturday, April 2, 2011


What a difference huh? This is what you do...get something natural that
has a cooling effect...I use aloe vera gel. Carefully cleanse your face
being very gentle on the red sensitive areas. Now get a concealing
powder or mineral foundation...apply only to the red put the
cooling gel in your hands and rub a thin film of it over your entire
face. Smooth and blend until you can't see the red spot and it's blended
with the rest of the skin. You could use foundation and concealer but
that on my skin itches like hot needles. The best foundation has no
weight and hardly any color.

You will notice I am wearing lipstick...guess what...I also have on just
the slightest amount of mascara as well. There is a demarcation line
that will show up on your lips when you do to belay the
foundation effect....I just put on a rather neutral color. The mascara
gives the lashes back a natural effect and makes the eye puffy go away.
The puffy was swallowing the eyelashes...that doesn't work for me.

The most response I have from doing this is "you're wearing lipstick
today? Hmmm" cuz other than the occasional lipcolor for work...I
generally go plain face. Give it a try. You may like it.
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