Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Clip and Go

Folks ask me on occasion how I can trim my own hair the back...and
not end up looking like a plucked chicken. They don't seem to realize I only cut my hair once a year and the rest of the time I'm just dusting. When you only cut once a have plenty of room for method, minimizes the oops factor.

and thanks to @HereIsMySpout on twitter, I just learned that's it's called a mini~chop when you cut some and not all of the hair off once a year.

Well today...I'm revealing
the secret. Anyone with long hair can dust~trim evenly just by combing
hair towards the front and snipping the ends. What about when your hair
is in that inbetween place? Here's what to do...

Braid the hair into small sections...put a mini clip at the end of each
braid where you want the hair to end. Trim the hair right over the clip
and and remove. I usually put all the clips in a bowl or box until I'm
done....then I release the hair directly into the trash and put the
clips away. You can release the hair from the clips as you
me...that takes longer.

I do this when my ends are gets rid of that....very
quickly. As you can tell...from my leaning forward...I can see all the
clips in the back, even if I can not see the hair in the clip...and trimming off the
clips....trims my hair automatically. Then either wear the braids for a
few days or take them out and enjoy your new trim.
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